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Patrick Bergermann

Associate Vice-President, Ag and Home

By uid=djungwirth@FCL.AD.CRS,ou=fcl,dc=isam,dc=crs

May 27, 2016

FCL provided Patrick with the opportunity he was looking for — an advanced role with a company headquartered in Saskatoon, Sask., and a place to raise a family.


Why do you feel at home at FCL?

For someone like me with a young family, I appreciate family-friendly events, like the children’s Christmas party and the summer family barbecue event. You can see that the company values its employees by the fact that they support opportunities for us to socialize outside of the workplace. It makes you feel like you’re valued and that you’re a part of something special.

What makes FCL different from other jobs you’ve had?

There is a much greater sense of community than in the publicly traded companies that I worked for previously and more of a sense that we are part of something  special. I really feel that the work we do is both meaningful and challenging. We work hard, but for the most part, I get a chance to be at home with my family at night and on the weekend.

What makes FCL a rewarding place to work?

The most engaging aspect to me is the opportunity to create our own tactics and strategy for our business. We are Western Canadian based, so there are many great opportunities for advanced roles right here on the Prairies. People are open to the contributions of others, as well as progressive, new ideas.